Ryan M. Hay, MSN, RN

Division/Program Chair


  • (877) NCEMSF-1 - (877-623-6731)

Miscellaneous Information

Ryan Hay

Ryan Hay is a Board-Certified Emergency Nurse and Emergency Manager, serving as the Administrator of Public Safety & Emergency Operations at Lehigh Valley Health Network in eastern Pennsylvania. Ryan holds a Master of Science in Nursing with a concentration in Population Health and Emergency Management from Jacksonville State University in Alabama. Ryan holds both a BS in Nursing and a BA in Political Science from DeSales University. While at DeSales, Ryan cofounded DeSales EMS, serving as the director for three years. He is currently the Chairman of the Northeast Pennsylvania Healthcare Coalition. Additionally, he serves as a Team Leader on the Lehigh County (PA) Special Operations Team and a part-time Paramedic/PHRN for the City of Bethlehem’s Bureau of EMS.

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