National Collegiate EMS Foundation: Everything you need to know and more...

What is NCEMSF?

The National Collegiate Emergency Medical Services Foundation (NCEMSF), a non-profit professional organization, promotes the development of campus based emergency response groups. These groups are trained to respond in an emergency. Today there are over 250 schools throughout North America that provide campus based Emergency Medical Services. They respond within minutes and provide care tailored specifically to campus emergencies. These groups range from first response-type units to full-fledged advanced life support (ALS) transporting units.

In addition to providing medical care, campus based EMS groups provide a unique experience for students Many of campus based EMS groups are student staffed and organized. This allows students to develop leadership, communication, and decision-making skills while positively impacting other people’s lives. The life skills learned from participation in such activities have proven to be influential towards future careers.

NCEMSF achieves its mission by providing a forum for communication among campus/ community based emergency services groups. NCEMSF promotes an environment where ideas can be exchanged and problems can be solved.

How and when was NCEMSF formed?

In 1993, in response to a need for information exchange among campus EMS groups, the National Collegiate EMS Foundation was established. Before 1993, although many campus EMS groups existed, there was no forum where they could openly communicate with each other. Founded by Jon Diorio of Georgetown University (Washington, DC), NCEMSF quickly grew and was able to hold its first conference in April 1994. The conference attracted more than 130 people from over 30 schools. Every year since 1994, NCEMSF has held an annual conference to promote discussion of campus EMS issues.

What is National Collegiate EMS Week?

An annual event since 2000, National Collegiate EMS Week is a week-long celebration of both campus based EMS services, as well as a celebration of EMS in general. To that end, various NCEMSF member organizations are sponsoring public education efforts, fun activities, open houses, and other efforts to increase public awareness of collegiate EMS. 

The second week in November was chosen because most schools are not in session during National EMS Week (the third week of May) sponsored by the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP). NCEMSF thanks ACEP for its active participation and support during the preparation of National Collegiate EMS Week.

How can I learn more about NCEMSF and become more involved?

Continue to explore our website to find out the latest NCEMSF activities, news, and other information. Consider creating a website account to receive our email broadcasts. Become a dues paying member. Attend the our annual conference, held each year at the end of February in various cities.

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