How important is campus EMS? Here are some statistics to share...

  • NCEMSF represents over 250 active EMS organizations in 43 US states, 5 Canadian provinces, and Jamaica.
  • NCEMSF's annual conferences routinely draw over 1000 attendees from more than 100 schools. The number of individual attendees along with the number of schools represented at the conferences have both been steadily increasing.
  • Those 250+ organizations are comprised of over 8400 collegiate EMTs.
  • NCEMSF’s uses a self reporting process to allow member schools to report their call volumes and other vital statistics. In academic year 2018-2019 (the most recent year for which data is available):
    • 178 of the 247 schools provided their run statistics to NCEMSF.
    • These 178 schools handled a total of 94,364 campus EMS responses.
    • There were more than 2850 AEDs in use on college campuses!

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