Time for an Open House? Ten easy steps for hosting a successful open house

  1. Choose a Theme
    Determine your reason for hosting an open house. A theme makes it easier to promote your open house. EMS Week is a perfect opportunity to invite the community and administration into your stations for demonstrations, information, or to see equipment.
  2. Find a Partner
    To stretch your budget partner with local business. Many times local business will provide giveaways, food, or promotional materials.
  3. Invite Local VIPs
    Invite your local community leaders and school administration. If making presentations, give them the opportunity to say something during introductions. Be sure to take photos to send to the local media.
  4. Promote Your Event
    Advertising to attract people to your open house is beneficial. Considering advertising using college radio stations, newspaper, or campus email. Use a press release, pass out flyers, make announcements at community meetings, or hang a banner outside of your station. Promotion works even if you do not have a good turnout because every time you get your name in front of the public, you spread the word about who you are. 
  5. Make It Fun
    Consider activities that engage your visitors. Provide the opportunity for them to see something they otherwise might not come in contact with, for example, a medical helicopter or rescue tools.
  6. Provide A Value-add
    Offer something to encourage students to visit. Blood pressure checks, health screenings, or classes are a good way to provide something in return for attending your open house.
  7. Feed Your Guests
    Always serve food or drinks. Anything from simple snacks to hotdogs and hamburgers would do.
  8. Everyone Loves A Freebie
    Make sure everyone walks away with a reminder of who you are.
  9. Make Sure You Show Up
    Unless you’re on an emergency call make sure you attend. Make arrangements to have standby coverage available so you can attend your event. Organizational leaders should be encouraged to attend every open house.
  10. Follow Up With An After-Action Report
    Everyone is familiar with the analytic process that occurs after a major incident. Do the same after your open house to determine what worked, what did not, and to identify ways that you can improve the process next time

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