Media Releases: What's the Deal?

When creating a media release, consider the following

  • Unlike public service announcements which are intended to be read or announced, a media release is intended to be published and should be written in a letter / paragraph format.
  • Just as a public service announcement, a media release requires the same “Who”, “What”, “When”, and “Why”.
  • Editors and writers appreciate receiving media releases written in a format proper for immediate publishing. By eliminating the need to rewrite of edit your media release you increase the likelihood it will be printed.
  • A media release is not written for the intended audience, it is written for a journalist. A journalist is looking to fill a new need.
  • Ensure that the publication you are sending your media release to is the appropriate publication for your target audience.
  • Attempt to find a reporter that commonly reports on EMS related activities…address your media release directly to that reporter.

You should use proper formatting when creating your media release

  • You need to include release information. For example, Release on [date] or FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE.
  • Include appropriate contact information prior to the body of the media release.
    • Full name and title of contact.
    • Address of contact.
    • Phone number of contact.
    • Relevant website of organization.
    • Email address of contact.
  • Include a suggested title for your announcement.
  • Include an article formatted body describing your announcement

Sample Media Release


John Smith, Captain.
Box 5
1027 Monroe Street
Southeastern, NY

Southeastern EMS partners with local volunteer fire departments to raise money for equipment.

Southeastern, NY -- October 15, 2022

Southeastern University EMS, the primary emergency response organization for Southeastern University has partnered with several local fire departments to raise money for new equipment. By the end of the month, they hope to raise $10,000 for the purchase of mass casualty equipment.

Starting this month you can expect to see Southeastern members, along with fire department personnel, collecting money at traffic lights and other intersections in the area. According to John Smith, captain of Southeastern EMS, “This is a great opportunity for members of the campus community to join together with other local organizations for a great cause.”

If you care to support this cause please contact Southeastern University EMS directly by calling (802)-555-1212.

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