Public Service Announcements: What's the deal?

Imagine a Story

Like mini movies, PSAs should immediately grab your attention, tell a story and drive home a message. “The first thing to do before creating a PSA is sit down and determine your goals,” said Executive Producer Eddie Sperling, owner of EMS Broadcasting (www.911-tv. com) “What do you want your PSA to accomplish? Begin there.”

Determine a Budget

Josh Weiss, public information officer for Southwest Ambulance, advised that budget comes next. “Once you decide how much you want to spend on a PSA, a lot of other decisions will be made for you.” Budget figures include the cost of equipment and software if you do it yourself or the expense of working with a creative agency.

Write a Script

With goals and budget in mind, the next step is to create a script. “Keep it simple,” Weiss advised. “Get your message down to one sentence, then find a five-year-old and explain the concept. If he or she understands it, you have a winner.” Also make sure the script includes a call to action — an tollfree number or Web site where you can drive the viewer for more information, suggested Bill Goodwill of Goodwill Communications, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.

Lights, Camera, Action!

When it’s time to shoot scenes, shooting in local, recognizable areas can be a good idea, but studio shots save money. Keith Simon, public information officer for Acadian Ambulance of Lafayette, Louisiana, mentioned a highly effective PSA promoting a CPR class that was done with only a black screen and white subtitles. In the background were the sounds of someone suffering a heart attack. “You could hear heavy breathing and someone calling 9-1-1,” he recalled. The subtitles told viewers what was taking place, but there were no visuals, only audio.

Once your scenes are shot — by you or a professional — they will need to be edited, and then the finished product will need to be duplicated. Check with your target media outlets to determine what format they prefer.

Distribute the PSA

Finally, you’ll need to distribute the PSA. “Make sure the PSA is in the right format for the station and that it’s no longer than 30 seconds,” advised Melissa Harvard of Casablanca Consulting in Beverly Hills, California. “Ten to 15-seconds have a much better chance of airing.”

“Remember, PSAs can be sent to multiple markets,” Goodwill said. “Use television to reach a broad audience, then use radio and newsprint to target specific demographic groups.” Harvard suggested video streaming on the Internet as an effective tool, especially on your own Web site.

When a television or radio station or newspaper uses your PSA, don’t forget to say thank you. It may be the best way to ensure your PSA will air the next time you send it.

Sample Public Service Announcement

Southeastern University Emergency Medical Services
P.O. Box 93
1027 Monroe Street
Southeastern, NY 12196

Day and Date of Event : November 7, 2022

Time of Event : Starts at 2:00 pm for approximately two hours.

Location of Event : Sunderland Dormitory, Southeastern University, 1027 Monroe Street, Southeastern NY.

Type of Event : Campus EMS Demonstration and Mock Accident.

Cost : Free to the public.

Details : Southeastern University EMS in conjunction with local fire departments will be hosting a mock accident training drill on the campus of Southeastern college. The community is invited to watch the latest in rescue techniques and procedures as a two car accident will be simulated. The college will also be hosting MedCenter1, the regions aero medical transport service. Tours will be provided.

Contact Information :
John Smith, Captain,
Box 5
1027 Monroe Street
Southeastern, NY

Further Details : Event is weather permitting. Parking is available in campus visitor lots only.

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