When to Call an Ambulance: Information on recognizing emergencies and when to call for help

When to Call an Ambulance

When should you call an ambulance instead of driving to the emergency department? Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Is the victim’s condition life-threatening?
  • Could the victim’s condition worsen and become life threatening on the way to the hospital?
  • Could moving the victim cause further injury?
  • Does the victim need the skills or equipment of paramedics or emergency medical technicians?
  • Would distance or traffic conditions cause a delay in getting the victim to the hospital?

If the answer to any of these questions is “yes,” or if you are unsure, it’s best to call an ambulance. This is true even though you can sometimes get to the hospital faster by driving than by calling an ambulance. Paramedics and emergency medical technicians communicate with the physician in the emergency department by radio. They are trained to begin medical treatment on the way to the hospital. This prevents any delay that could occur if the patient is driven to the emergency department. The ambulance can also alert the emergency department of the patient’s condition in advance. If you live in an area with a single emergency number, calling for help is easy. Just dial 9-1-1. If your community does not have the 9-1- 1 emergency number, keep the numbers of the fire, police, and emergency medical services near your telephone.

When you call for help, speak calmly and clearly. Give your name, the address, phone number, location of victim (such as upstairs in the bedroom), and the nature of the problem. Don’t hang up until the dispatcher tells you to. They may need additional information or need to give you instructions.

Recognizing Emergencies

How do you tell the difference between a true emergency and a minor problem? Certain symptoms are so alarming that the need for emergency care - or even an ambulance - is obvious. But what should you do about more common illnesses and injuries?

Only a doctor can diagnose medical problems. But, you can protect the health of those around you by learning to recognize certain symptoms.

Know which symptoms to watch for. According to the American College of Emergency Physicians, the following are warning signs of a medical emergency:

  • Difficulty breathing
  • Chest or upper abdominal pain or pressure
  • Fainting or sudden collapse
  • Sudden dizziness, weakness or change in vision
  • Change in mental status (such as unusual behavior, confusion, difficulty arousing)
  • Severe burns
  • Sudden, severe pain anywhere in the body
  • Bleeding that won’t stop
  • Emergency childbirth
  • Severe or persistent vomiting
  • Coughing up or vomiting blood
  • Suicidal or homicidal feelings
  • Drowning

You should also be familiar with the symptoms of common illnesses and injuries.

Talk to your doctor before you have an emergency. Ask what you should do if you think someone you know needs emergency care. Should you call the doctor’s office first? Should you go straight to the emergency department? What should you do when the doctor’s office is closed?

Trust your instincts. People are usually very good at recognizing signs of unusual behavior or other symptoms that indicate an emergency. Many other factors, including the time of day, other medical problems, or state of mind, can make an otherwise minor medical problem an “emergency.”

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